Update: Salam LADC in August 2024 Volunteer F&Q Donate


Mobile Classroom


Olive Branch, Beirut


Aid Distribution


Saadnayel Community Centre


Stories: The Beginning


Health Awareness

Beneficiaries reached in 2019
International volunteers since 2016
different projects

Mission & Vision

Salam LADC supports vulnerable populations in Lebanon through providing direct aid, running various projects and facilitating the efforts and initiatives of independent volunteers and organizations. We provide a platform for international volunteers, grassroots initiatives, and private and institutional donors to coordinate their efforts towards assisting and empowering refugee and other vulnerable populations across Lebanon, whilst also serving as a link to the major local and international actors.

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Salam LADC was founded by Joseph Matta in South Lebanon, as a response to the war in Lebanon that took place in July 2006. The main focus of the organisation was on strengthening the dialogue between displaced people and their host communities. Over the years the focus has been to run projects that provide sustainability and tools for the local community.

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Education Projects

Education Projects

Community Projects

Community Projects

Aid Projects

Aid Projects

Salam Annual Report

To ensure transparency and clarity to all stakeholders, we would like to share our annual report with you. Our team has worked hard to provide a comprehensive report that details the work of all our staff, volunteers and the projects that they worked on together.

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Our projects are only made possible through your ongoing support. While our team of volunteers and staff dedicate their energy and skills to reaching and supporting the most vulnerable of communities and families, ww hope that you will consider contributing to our projects and beneficiaries here in Lebanon.

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Since Salam LADC launced its international volunteering platform at the beginning of 2016, the organization has hosted more than 500 volunteers from all over the world. If you are interested in gaining experience through working with our team on the ground, participating and contributing to programs here in Lebanon, you are most welcome to apply!

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Start a fundraiser

One of the most effective way to contribute to Salam’s work is to do your own fundraiser! We have created a fundraising packet with a simple step by step guide on how it’s done.

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